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Media & Instructional Support

Media & Instructional Support

This resource is available for those needing Instructional Design/Online Training Modules, Video/Animation Requests, CE21 Learning Management System,

Media Equipment/Services, & IT Computer Services.

Please note the contact information for each resource 

as various teams are included below.

IDEA Team.png



Key Contact:

Dr. Clark Shah-Nelson, DBA, MA

Associate Dean

Instructional Design and Technology (SSW 4E13)

Blackboard Support

CE21 LMS (The Institute)

SSW Faculty/Staff Directory

Instructional Design

Instructional Technology

Online Training Modules

Online MSW Program

Video & Animation Requests

Video Release and Participation Agreement

For assistance, please contact: IDEA Team

Please provide a brief description of your desired product, project name and ID, and desired deadline.

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